funky little horror film
1 March 2010
dunno why this has a low average score, it's a very decent low budget horror film, just the right length, an 80s vibe to it, and it's gotta be said the music and sound is ace...sometimes music makes a movie, and in this case it's very true...the same film with crap music and sound design would've been pants...there's a great little whistling motif tune running through the whole thing and giving it a cheeky slant... yep i can't really fault this film - for what it is it's a fantastic way to use up an hour and a half of your precious horror movie loving life, not too much preamble before the nastiness gets underway either - Cloverfield did the preamble really well but since then it seems that all the new big budget horror films spend a lot of time hanging about with really unlikeable characters for the first half of the movie before they start getting bumped off. Not so with Murder Loves Killers.... Overall, two severed thumbs up!
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