The Wolfman (2010)
A great and respectful remake of the original!
24 February 2010
I went to see The Wolfman on a friend's birthday and to be quite frank I was looking forward to it.

Now you have to bare in mind this is a remake of the original Wolf Man which came out in the 40's/50's, I know it was one or the other but can't quite remember exactly when it came out. I have seen the original and having now seen this movie I think not only it is better but it respects the original with quite a passion. Almost everything I remember about the original is included and what was changed I didn't actually mind.

The original coming out the time it did was a lot shorter and this gave a lot of room to expand and this has been done rather well. Introducing more material that works pretty well with the existing plot. Characters are given a heap more background, even the beast's origins are explained well.

Now if you're looking for an original plot I'm afraid that this movie does not provide (being a remake of an old school horror), however this doesn't spoil it (providing that you can get over this lone fact).

Characters are slightly believable and the incentive is often there, unlike the new Star Wars movies. Some lines are slightly bad on delivery by the actors but if you listen to what they say it all makes sense even if it does seem a little cryptic.

Seeing the English countryside (replicated or not) in this movie was an added bonus amongst all the CGI. All in all a howling good movie, a tad intelligent, full on the gore, occasional scares and a story that if you let it will suck you in.

7 out of 10.
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