Funny and subversive...but I wonder how many believe this!!
23 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is an amazingly funny and insightful short film. It is a short mockumentary about a supposed Black-only space program in the US that was run parallel to the more famous NASA program. It's all done in such a dry manner--like the Ken Burns' films. The music, the tone, the style, the narration...everything make it look like another one of his documentaries. Now some might find this too dry--but the Burns documentaries were very dry and they had to make this comedy rather dry to imitate his style. Another potential problem is that I am sure on a planet of 5 billion (give or take 2347 trillion), there are MANY who see this film and actually believe it's all true!! This is a tribute to the film makers and a sad indictment on the gullibility (not to mention stupidity) of some people!

Clever, exceptionally well-made and entertaining, some of my favorite aspects of the film were the one commentator with his continual use of the phrases "...if I may" and "...if you will". I also loved the parody of the Sullivan Ballou letter. In the Burns film, it was written by a Union soldier before he died at at the Battle of Bull Run--here, it's a guy who's orbiting the Earth--worded almost exactly the same way, but with LOTS of expletives (making this not the best film for kids).

See this film.
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