Aliens vs. Predator (2010 Video Game)
A must have for Sci-Fi fans!!!!!
20 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Ill start of nice and easy. This game is awesome. Its got excitement, story, everything. The game includes 3 campaigns varying in length. Marine=4 hrs Predator=3 hrs Alien=2 hrs. Although it depends on what difficulty your on.

The marine campaign is pretty straight forward. Reminded me a lot of doom 3. It has quite a few surprises, and its very dark. In face a little too dark. You have a flashlight, a weak one, but at least you have it. But you have unlimited flares which really come in handy. It gets a little boring towards the end but still very fun.

The predator campaign is amazing. Almost flawless in my mind. It gives you all the assets the predator can have. Plasmacaster, smart disk, dual wrist blades, staff, and proximity mines. The predator also has his infamous cloak camouflage. His three vision modes are vital to a successful hunt.

-He has his heat vision for seeing humans and other predators though there are no others predators in campaign -He also has his alien vision mode which hi-lights aliens in a bright white The only bad thing i can think of saying is that the alien vision isn't available until you pick up an ancient mask that has that feature. And that the campaign is longer, that would be nice.

The alien campaign is the weakest but is still very fun. It, like the predator campaign is stealth based. The ability to crawl on the walls is useful but sometimes dizzying.

The multiplayer is fun too. Many online modes, some funner that others but all around pretty fun. There is also a feature that is like horde from Gears of War 2. It is fun but is only single player unless you play it online.

So bottom it. If you are a fan of sci-fi games, you shouldn't be disappointed. Fun campaigns, nice multiplayer, and enough content to keep you busy for a while.

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