One of the most beautiful and funniest comedies of all time
20 February 2010
I had been searching for this film I saw on the BBC years and years ago every so often, when people began chatting about films, I would ask everyone, "It stars Gerard Depardieu and he goes somewhere with this girl who's stunning and uses her beauty and, urgh! I can't remember what it's called but it's amazing!!". Everyone looks confused and no-one knows the title. I eventually gave up. Then thanks to the internet, I recently found it! And I bought it. And it is even better than I remembered! The story is simple but perfect. A middle class divorced father and his beautiful daughter (who he dotes on but as with most teenagers doesn't appreciate it much) go to a resort and she quickly pretends he is her lover who is only claiming to be her dad. She gets the attention and sympathy from cute guys nearer her own age and the whole story just develops brilliantly. She is stunning and he has his typical charm and so the whole thing is completely believable from start to finish. Of course, the story has more than that, including some nice little subplots, but I don't want to spoil it. The highlights are Gerard Depardieu's wonderful acting and the fast- paced script. With those excellent sarcastic comments and funny expressions as he deals with his little girl pushing him to the edge of sanity (plus people occasionally trying to hurt him, and once almost kill him) the moments for the highlight real count up fast. Apart from some of the known French classic films this movie is a total gem way above the rest within the French film industry. It's that good, really. I'm not sure this is the very, very best comedy ever but it's definitely in my top 3 for sure. Constant laughs and father-daughter dynamics which are totally accurate make sure of that for me. Even my mother, who is rarely impressed by French films, fell in love with this as much as I did again after all these years.
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