Jack Smith
16 February 2010
okay, so we have Jack Smith... Jack who? Jack Smith, yes, the cult director of such movies as 'Flaming Creatures' (in fact, his only complete movie he ever made). you're reading this, probably because you know his style and you want to learn more about who Jack Smith (and, off course, what he did and mad, because a lot of his 'pictures' remain only as pictures somewhere hidden in a vault, carefully put away like the ring in the Lord of the Rings-trilogy). well, you're on the right address with this documentary. it tells us a lot about the sixties and a lot about Jack Smith, but also about the other experimental movie makes, avant-gardists and art directors. but, and here's the but(t), it shows us less movies of Smith as expected, and too much other stuff that has less to do with Smith than his lifestyle. but that isn't so bad, because it shows Smith as he was, just as he wanted movies to portray realities and not the thing we call fiction, but even beyond that. after viewing this excellent documentary, I have a bit of disappointing feeling, the 'magic' is gone, Jack Smith was only a man and not a cult icon. still, he remains more than a man, he stays to be art. art is as important for him, as it is for us. still, I'm glad I watched this.
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