Review of 6ix

6ix (1999)
My hands-down single favourite short-film of all time
7 February 2010
The very first time I caught this film (on Space)I knew I wanted a copy so I could watch it over and over and share it with friends and family. I was able to record it on video (between showings of the two American Werewolf movies), but not exactly convenient. Since then, I've been looking for a copy online and it took me more than 5 years - partly due to not knowing the exact title. Ha. 6ix is a brilliantly written and executed film, that also has great acting - and not just because Frewer plays all the parts, which is an achievement by itself. Never has so short a film provided so many great lines with such simple precision. It takes a lot of viewings before you get everything out of it and it still requires one to pause the film in order to quit laughing so you don't miss anything. And the details! The stuff in the background alone is enough to impress, and the bit with credits and the radio over-track are icing on the cake. I wish I could write half as well.
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