Breslin Beams Though Sunshine Sets...
6 February 2010
I gave this movie a 5/10 because I actually like Abagail Breslin, not so much in this, but she's a good little actress. Now, that being said:

This was quite possibly one of the most useless films ever put to celluloid this decade.

Easily one of the least enjoyable films I've ever seen. The basic premise of LMS is: family goes on road trip so homely daughter can compete in a beauty pageant which she will probably never win. The fact that Olive (Breslin) isn't beauty pageant material never crosses their minds and no one, but the father suspects as much (and even then, states his opinion so harshly that you can't even sympathize with him). *sigh* Lest we not forget the ridiculous, contrived and unfunny ending.

For months I heard the hype surrounding this movie, people were ranting and raving about this like it was the funniest thing they've seen in decades--some even claimed as much. My own mother told me she "lmao'd" (so-to-speak) throughout. Surely this has to be good...right? Yes, of course, that many people can't possibly be wrong. So, finally, after little deliberation, I sat down to watch this.

Disappointed is not the word I'd use because it doesn't properly convey what I felt. I actually almost felt angry, betrayed, lied to even. I don't think in the whole two or so hours I laughed more than once, and even then it was more of a "Oh..ha, OK, that was kind of funny," not the belly-aching, pants-wetting hysterical laughter others say they experienced. It was just plain bad. This movie had not a single redeeming quality or character (except maybe Daniel Plano). And it's not that I didn't "get" it (I hate when people use that term), and no I would not like to go watch a Transformer or some other Michael Bay or a Tarantino film OR 27 Dresses instead. I'm not some brainless "blowy-uppy" shoot em up or sappy love story type girl. I like comedies, and am a huge fan of indies, however this was neither funny, nor original nor entertaining.

Save your money on the DVD and skip the cable showings. You'll thank me later.
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