containing the music that couldn't be stopped
5 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's not surprised that this musical has swing in it although in 1939 the dictatorship had banned it. There was a hypocrisy. Swing and jazz went behind the backs of the Nazi party , I suspect that many Nazi members even had record of tommy Dorsey and glen miller and his band hypocritically from black market.The story as I suspected is weak. A production of , Carnival of love, is being produce at a theater. The place looks like Paris, burning Paris that is.Johnne and Dora, who starred together in Im Mur nu do,star as an divorced couple who both work in the production. Dorit Kreysler played the second star in the production but she the fiancé of Johanne.Richard Romonowsky, who also was in mid winters dream, 1935, plays the Direotor of the musical production.After a very jazzy production with Joahnne with a guitar.Dorit is one of the stars who's waiting for him to finish so they can get married. Hans Moser plays the musical director and is her uncle.The whole troupe is touring. Dora shows up to be a part of the musical but still love Johannes. She pays piano player Frank , played by Axel Von Ambesser who played the prince in Dances of the king, pretending to be her fiancé to get Joanne to remarry her.Joahnne and Dorit put off the marriage for a while in-spite of the fact that the director and her uncle where going to be the witnesses. Evelye Knukee, for whom Goebbels had put her momentarily in a concentration camp cause her act was too American. She was let out only if she worked for Charlie and his band, a propaganda swing band created by club foot. the only problem is the story it is weak.o2/09/10 I might be wrong but I think there was sneaky propaganda in. It involved the counts house who invested in the show. The whole troop is staying at his house. After the party Johanne and Hans Moser discovers a statue in the hallway next to the bedroom of his ex and the bedroom of Fred the piano man that she hired to make him jealous of her pretending to be his fiancé. He has gotten a little too far and want to get closer to her plus sell his songs to her.Well all of a sudden Johanne and Hans goes to this armor statue and it has a movable arm on the left. They both push up the arm . This exactly uses looks like the zig hile.This opens the wall between Dora and Axel bedroom making it one.This upsets her but surprises him now he can get into her pants. To make a long story short she kicks Axel out. But he thinks he's going to get into be with her by going to the other door. But Johanne ask Axel to help him move the arm down he agrees. This closes the wall.The propaganda Nazi maidenhood will be protected until marriage, The Musical sequence in which Evelyn Knuke is marionettes the puppets. Closer camera angle the puppets become real humans. Propaganda? Hitler will control everybody. So even the escape pictures had subtle propaganda too
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