La gorilla (1982)
The what a body-guard
25 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Ruby (Lory Del Santo) knows how to defend herself because her father (Gianfranco D'Angelo) owns a fitness and karate center. So good is she that he hires her out as a bodyguard to a variety of clients. Daddy has been trying to hook her up with one of the muscle-heads that work out at his place, but as you would expect none of them are bright enough to catch her eye. However, she does take a liking to the extremely clumsy artist and photographer Adelmo (Tullio Solenghi) after bumping into him at the local supermarket.

And so, while Ruby goes from one comedic job as a bodyguard to another, Adelmo attempts to get closer to his dream woman and find out what she does for a living (at one point she is protecting a hooker and dressed similarly, making Adelmo fear she's a streetwalker). Naturally, with him being an artist, there is also the usual mix-up sitcom subplot about his pretty French next door neighbor constantly taking her clothes off to pose for him. Strangely enough, Adelmo never bats an eye at the French nudity right in front of his nose, while he's drooling like a dog every time Rudy appears (fully clothed). Then again, some Italian men are like that, they think only Italian women are worth the effort. Ruby's dad is an exception however, as soon as he finds out Adelmo is not interested in his French model, daddy's got a date with her.

All the different 'Gorilla' assignments do tend to make the film rather episodic. Some of these feature an uncredited Roberto Begnini as a passer by who keeps getting himself involved in the action in some way or another. Unfortunately the one they saved for last cannot be considered the best. It involves Ruby and Adelmo teaming up to get some compromising pictures and audio recordings of a loud mouth, Mussolini obsessed professor. At the same time, but unknown to them, Ruby's dad is trying his best to get his young French bit of alright into bed in the same house. This naturally ends in a lot of misunderstandings and people managing to just miss each other as they move from one room to another.

Even though this comedy came out at a time the Italian sex-comedies were winding down and started to cut down on the nudity, it still features enough female flesh to please lovers of the genre (and even a couple of body builders for the ladies). Strangely enough, as the Italian comedies got more prudish during the early Eighties, American comedies went all out where nude scenes were concerned that decade.

7 out of 10
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