What Will NBC Do With It?
24 January 2010
What a cast, what a great first show. Will Ferrell, Pearl Jam, & others. Conan got off to a great start. Sadly, as I write this, Conan is over. His last show had Will Ferrell as well.

I remember when Letterman left NBC, NBC kept the rights to certain Letterman Intellectual Property. Now, they are keeping certain intellectual property of Conans too. What do you supposed NBC does with these properties? I mean, consider there are no intellectuals on board running this network. Don't you need to have intellectuals to actually use the property? Conan got off to a fine start on this show, and kept a pretty good pace for the time he was doing Tonight. Let's hope that when the smoke clears that Conan Tonight on FOX, will be even better. Wonder if they will let him book Will Farrell again this September?

In the meantime, Discovery should book Conan for a guest shot on DIRTY JOBS with Mike Rowe. I mean cleaning up after NBC's mess would have to make for a good show, and Conan could show Rowe the ropes.
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