Deadman's Curve (1978 TV Movie)
Great movie
23 January 2010
I saw this movie as a young adult and, unfortunately have not seen it since. I was not familiar with their story but knew and loved their music. Dead Man's Curve has haunted and inspired me for many years and I highly recommend the movie. I thought it was well acted by everyone and the storyline is compelling. There is truly no other movie like this one and it is true! One should definitely see this movie, if for no other reason than to see the ending - it is both incredible and inspiring.

Hollywood has produced many movies that tell the story of strength growing out of misfortune or human error, redemption rising from the ashes of despair and tragedy. It is my view that this movie tells this story as good as any and better than most. The truth that haunts the storyline creates a compelling and engrossing experience.
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