Solid, Serious Spaghetti Western
23 January 2010
Poor Mexican farmer Leonard Mann is met one day by mysterious stranger Peter Martell, who tells him that he's really the son of a wealthy landowner, murdered by his unfaithful wife and her lover. They then travel to his boyhood home to seek revenge, reclaim his birthright, and save his long-lost (and long suffering) sister from his mother's now ex-lover.

The Forgotten Pistolero, which borrows a little from Hamlet, is a well-told story, with excellent production values, and enough great western/Mexican atmosphere to go around. The imitation Ennio Morricone score by Roberto Pregado is pretty swell too.

The entire cast give really great performances, though the lack of any real bankable international star probably helped get this above-average Italian western unjustly buried. Mann and Martell are exceptional though, and they do make a great team.

The climax amidst a flaming backdrop is superb and ultimately quite satisfying.

However, there are some unanswered questions regarding Mann's apparent amnesia in regards to his childhood, or lack thereof. Is he even the same person? Did he tell the villain the truth when they first met? No answer is given.
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