Footfalls (2001)
Probably as good a film as you're going to get of a piece that should have stayed on stage
23 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A "four scene" story of a woman walking 9 paces one way and then 9 paces back in front of the door of her mother who is an invalid. We never see her mother but hear their interior monologues and the conversation between them.

This belongs on stage and not on screen since despite a great central performance the play is too formal and rigid to work as a film. Its Beckett looking at aging, roads not taken (the daughter is middle aged and never been out) and other things. I don't see much that hasn't been done before. certainly other than a chance at a great performance (which this film has) I don't think its much of anything. The problem is that in order to stay true to Beckett's direction the filmmakers were too limited as to what they could do and the result is a theater-piece on film.
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