Cloudburst (1951)
Not as good as it could be
18 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie disappointing. With a plot like that, in a British movie of this era, and Robert Preston to boot, I had very high hopes.

The first half is an extremely sappy love story between the two principals, told against grainy dim backgrounds in night scenes. After the accident Preston all too quickly gets his revenge and even more quickly he is picked up in a super efficient police investigation (there is never another suspect, they latch on to him for no reason).

I would have preferred a more abbreviated romance, a longer search for the killers, and at least somewhat realistic detective work.

The other scenes of Preston's work as a cryptographer seem to consist of a room of eight nondescript people mumbling to themselves. Is that really how they broke codes in the 50's?? Definitely not a keeper.
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