Jasmine Women (2004)
I really liked it thanks two the two great women in the lead
18 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Ziyi Zhang and Joan Chen play a series of mothers and daughters from the 30's to the 80's. The film follows as daughter falls in love and becomes pregnant giving birth to the next generation. Its the course of women in China over 50 years, fighting to find her place before at last accepting the place she has at last made for herself.

Soapy film based on a novel will depend upon how you feel about the actresses and the soap of the story. If you want to see how good both Zhang and Chen can be see this film. Its a wonderful show case of their talents.I especially loved the screen test scene at the beginning, its a great show case for what Zhang can do. Chen on the other hand is quietly wonderful as the mother/grand mother all through the tale.There is a wonderful strength in her. She makes it look way too easy.

On the other hand the story is very soapy. Its filled with triumph and tragedy, and its clearly constructed to produce a certain effect at the end. reading on the film I found that some people really didn't like the "pulpy" 'soapy" clichéd construction of the plot. personally I saw the soapy clichés coming (I mean the producer discovering the daughter in the hopes of bedding her is as clichéd as they come) but I went with it because the ladies are so radiant.

Sue me I liked it.
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