A very sweet little tale....even if you aren't Catholic.
16 January 2010
This review is for the Spanish language version. While I know that it was also dubbed into English, I chose to watch the subtitled version instead.

I am not Catholic and did not, like so many other reviewers, grow up watching this film. I just stumbled upon it recently and am glad I did. It's a nice little morality tale--one that you really need to stick with, as the ending comes as a real surprise.

The film begins with the founding of a monastery. Years later, a foundling is left at the front gate. The monks try to find the mother or a surrogate family but without success--plus, it looks as if many of the monks were so taken with the baby that they didn't try especially hard! Plus, the only person willing to take the child was the cruel mayor--who obviously wanted to use the kid as cheap labor! Years pass and the little boy has remained with the monks. While he is quite mischievous, the monks adore him. He's not really bad--just a 6 year-old who is full of energy and silliness. What happens next you'll just have to see for yourself--I really don't want to spoil the amazing direction the film takes near the end. I will say, however, that it really did come as a surprise and was very sweet.

Technically speaking, this is a lovely film. The actors were wonderful as the monks--coming off as very kind men--the sort you'd hope would become men of God. As for little Marcelino, he was simply adorable and effective in the role of this precocious child. Casting couldn't have been much better. As for the writing, the story is terrific but probably not a film an avowed Atheist would enjoy--after all, it's a religious tale. The cinematography is in lovely black & white and the director's touch was gentle and worked well with the story. Frankly, there isn't a whole lot you could do to make this a better story, so I was surprised to learn from the DVD that there is a remake. It might be very good as well, but can't imagine it being any better.

This one might just put a tear in your eye--sweet and memorable.
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