I disagree utterly about "Always in my heart"'s music: These people have legit class.
13 January 2010
What a supple, burnished soprano for a twenty-or-whatever-year old, what range! - Do you tin-ears (sorry; I can't resist) realise she just held a HIGH F (that's UNGODLY high) for a long time at the end of "Una Voce Poca Fa?" - and that whole harmonica / soft shoe number just performed by the company was adorable, accomplished and fun. FUN! - No fighting Ninjas, no hugely amplified, droning electroid muzack. The movie's about half through (am watching it on TCM just now) and I think it's a gas. Well done, lovely Gloria Warren, Walter Huston and co. A human story, told with feeling and class. Who knew. --- Oh rats, that's all I want to say, and this dang IMDb thing won't accept this review unless I make it much more verbose. Ho hum. What shalt I say here: well, Una What's her-Face (Olivia de Havilland / Maid Marian's chaperone in 1939) just played a tiny comic scene TO PERFECTION: "Dinner is served in the breakfast nook" - hilarious accent; perfect, light timing. - Those Brits sure perfected comic chops. - OK, is that 10 lines now?? I hope so. - I shalt now re-submit this scholarly, authoritative tome. LET'S HEAR IT FOR WARNER BROTHERS!
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