Kolchak: The Night Stalker: The Zombie (1974)
Season 1, Episode 2
Nifty second episode of the cool TV show
13 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The ever stubborn and impetuous Carl Kolchak (the always excellent Darren McGavin) once again unearths a sinister plot concerning vengeful voodoo Haitian priestess Mamalois "Marie Juliette" Edmonds (a pleasingly batty portrayal by Paulene Meyers), who resurrects her murdered criminal grandson (imposing hulk O. William Faison) as a lethal zombie so he can exact a harsh revenge on his killers. Capably directed by Alexander Grasshoff, with a sharp and witty script David Chase and Zekial Mako, a constant brisk pace, slick cinematography by Alrie Evans, a nicely spooky atmosphere, a spirited jazzy'n'shuddery score by Gil Melle, colorful characters (I especially dug a mysterious back alley informant known as the Monk), some inspired touches of spot-on sardonic humor, and a genuinely tense and harrowing climactic confrontation between Kolchak and the zombie in a decrepit old automobile junkyard, this show rates as a highly entertaining episode of the immensely enjoyable series. Of course, Kolchak's barbed exchanges with his long suffering editor Tony Vincenzo (the terrific Simon Oakland) are quite funny and delightful. A tip-top guest cast helps matters out a lot, with stand-out turns by Antonio Fargas as hip swaggering bookie Sweatstick Weldon, Joseph Sirola as fearsome mobster Benjamin Sposato, John Fiedler as cheerfully morbid coroner Gordon Spangler, Charles Aidman as the huffy Captain Leo Winwood, Carol Ann Susi as eager, but annoying rookie reporter Monique Marmelstein, and Scatman Crothers as friendly occult store owner Uncle Fitemon. Great fun.
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