Review of Scorpion

Star Trek: Voyager: Scorpion (1997)
Season 3, Episode 26
Borg and Species 8472
9 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The crew of the Voyager may be stuck in the Delta quadrant far far from home but in this episode they come up against one of the most fearsome enemies that had been previously encountered by the Enterprise in the Alpha Quadrant, namely the Borg. Previous encounters had been with single cubes but as Voyager is attempting to cross the Borg's home territory it finds itself facing fifteen of them. If that wasn't bad enough it appears that there is another species there, a species that is capable of destroying the Borg cubes with little difficulty. Thoughts of an alliance with these creatures are short lived however when it emerges that they are extremely xenophobic and wish to exterminate all other life forms. This leads Janeway to think the unthinkable and propose an alliance with the Borg.

This is one of the best Voyager stories featuring memorable enemies, a tense visit to a Borg cube and as the words "to be continued" appear on the screen one is left thinking they are in real danger, especially one of the crew who has become infected after contacting one of the creatures
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