Protect & Survive
29 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 provoked outrage in the West, leading many to believe that an all-out nuclear war was on the cards. Both Thatcher and Reagan exploited the fear for their own ends, the latter famously denouncing the U.S.S.R. as the 'evil empire'.

It was in this climate that this wonderful episode of the first season of 'Only Fools & Horses' came to be made. Del has bought a lot of lead, and Rodney finds out it was intended to comprise a home-made nuclear fallout shelter. They decide to build it on Grandad's allotment. There is just one problem - it cannot be reached within the required four minutes.

Having erected it somewhere else ( we do not find out where until the end ), the Trotters prepare to spend a night there...

This provided the first signs of the show turning from just another funny sitcom into something special. Grandad's 'Heroes fit for homes' speech is emotionally affecting, beautifully written by John Sullivan and delivered immaculately by Lennard Pearce.

Funniest moment - Rodney declaring that he would not wear a uniform on principle. "What principle?" asks Del. "In case the Russians tried to shoot at it!", he says.
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