Review of Sicko

Sicko (2007)
I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!
22 December 2009
Michael Moore is REALLY good at what he does. He is not a pure textbook documentarian - he is a theatrical filmmaker with a definite and specific opinion about his subjects.

This film made me want to put on a surgical mask, hide underneath my bed, curl into a little ball and cry... or just move very far away from the U.S... or open my window and shout "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!".

Having had my own exasperating experiences with healthcare - this film really rang true, as I am sure it does for millions upon millions of Americans. This film, perhaps more than any other I have seen in some time, really made me quite embarrassed to be part of such a criminal, negligent, greedy, violent, selfish, borderline fascist country. Why we are not all marching in the streets demanding a revolution is a sure sign that those with 'the most' have succeeded in making those with 'the least' petrified with fear, paralyzed with despair and programmed into laziness.

Be sure to watch the special features on the DVD - there are some fascinating bits that were left out of the final cut. Meanwhile, I'll be on checking out the housing listings.
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