Simply unforgettable...and one of the best episodes of any TV series from the era.
16 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely the most memorable episode from the wonderful "Dick Van Dyke Show". Whether or not it's the best is up for debate but you certainly can't forget it. If you can, then I think you should consult a doctor and have your head examined.

This is a very surreal episode and is nothing like any other, that's for sure! It begins with Rob and Laura watching a scary movie on TV. Laura can't stand it and says the show is bound to give them nightmares, but Rob insists on seeing it to the end. However, the next day, all the crazy stuff from the movie is coming true--and Rob is worried that the people from planet Twylo are going to take over the Earth.

There are tons of comedic touches in the episode--including a very funny cameo from one of the show's producers, Danny Thomas. However, the funniest and most memorable bit must be the walnut scene. I won't say more, but you just have to see it to believe it.

Overall, funny, strange and unforgettable...and a must for any "Dick Van Dyke Show" fan.
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