Dexter: The Getaway (2009)
Season 4, Episode 12
Bold, Daring, and Very Effective
14 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I am very sad the way the season ended in the sense of the effect it will have on the characters lives, but on another note, I am so thrilled the writers ended a season this way. Season 1: Dexter kills Brian, his brother/the ice truck killer...His life goes on how he wants it...Season 2: Doakes takes the fall for Dexter's murders and crazy bitch Lila gets iced...His life goes on how he wants it...Season 3: Miguel is killed, the branch trimming killer is taken out, Dexter gets married...His life goes on how he wants it... Up until Dexter starts walking into the bathroom, I was disappointed that another season of Dexter was falling into the same old story line. 11 intense episodes that Dexter has to figure out how to get the kill, then the 12th episode it happens. The Trinity kill conversation was so boring to me, at first, but now it is a profound and telling conversation for the future life of Dexter and will most likely be replayed all the time in memory sequences for Dexter. Rita dying changes the changes the family's lives, and it finally brings the principal forth Harry has said all along...Dexter's fate will eventually catch up to him.
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