Review of The Brown Bunny

A road movie like no other
9 December 2009
After watching this film, I read about the Roger Ebert flap; how he rated it the worst movie ever, then Gallo went back and cut out 26 minutes of redundant material, which transformed it into a much better film. I can see how that would be.

The characters in some ways seem to be acting naturally and unscripted, but real strangers tend to do a lot more nervous chatter vs. long, silent staring sessions. In the world I'm accustomed to, greasy-looking guys with raspy voices and a demented air can't get women to want them instantly by staring or pleading. Or can they? Maybe I should make myself into a greaseball and see how it goes! Women are strangely fickle.

It's a weird film overall but I could relate to the road footage and deep background music, complete with bugs on the windshield. I've seen no other movie that seriously recreated the feeling of driving cross country while depressed. "Paris, Texas" came close.

I think it would have played better if we had more of an inkling why the character was so down. Just some hint to create more empathy; although in the end it all makes sense if you stick with it. I can see how people with short-attention spans would quit on this movie.

The x-rated scene only seemed non-gratuitous when I put the whole plot together. In full context, the particular act they engaged in does make sense but I won't spoil the reason why.

The final result is bleak and unique, like "The Machinist" in some ways. The entirety doesn't sink in until the end, and then you still have to think on it awhile. This is a movie I might only watch once but it was worth it.
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