Better than Twilight
7 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie expecting lousy acting and a lame screenplay. What I found was actually surprising. The acting was much better than Twilight with the exception of Kristen Stewart's depiction of depression. That was the most disappointing part of the entire movie. Robert Pattinson did a much better job at feigning regret. Taylor Lautner held the tweens hearts while they screamed at his newly buff body. The story, itself, is the second of the Stephenie Meyer's series. It centres around Bella's depression after Edward and his family leave when Jasper actually tries to attack Bella after a paper cut at the family home. After the Cullens depart and she's had months of depression, Bella finds friendship and eventually more with Jacob Black. As everyone who's read the book knows, Edward returns eventually after Bella saves him from (pardon the pun) exposing himself to the humans. The Volturi were well casted as well as the part of Jane. Dakota Fanning makes for a worthy vampire. Overall, it is a good movie even though Kristen Stewart could've done a much better job.
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