Feed the Fish (2010)
Comedic, Romantic and Consistently Good Quality
24 November 2009
Caught the cast and crew premiere of this romantic comedy (a genre I most often hate with a passion --think "New In Town"-- ), at a fine old Green Bay, Wisconsin movie-house this weekend. I presumed I would dislike it. WHAT A SURPRISE. The writer/director must be a comic writer or have hundreds of "funny" bones throughout his body, because there were loud laughs (two or more) during every scene! The film isn't so much about romance, as it pretends to be. It's about community, acceptance, and forgiving others --along with yourself. But COMEDY is so hard to pull off. Yet, wonder of wonders, this film feels REAL. And that makes the humor even funnier. From slapstick to comedy-of-embarrassment, from classic bedroom farce to intellectual jokes, all played equally well. The audience greeted it with consistent, loud laughter throughout the rough-cut. No big stars here, save Tony Shalhoub, but all the players were excellent character actors, up-and-comers, and/or stock roles that shone as brightly as the old pros who came on board. Maybe well see more of Matzdorff.
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