Review of The Return

JAG: The Return (1999)
Season 5, Episode 4
Great Show, Horrible Episode
23 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
(**CONTAINS SPOILER**) The outcome of the trial here and the overriding message is ridiculous. The CO was CLEARLY abusing his power and in the real world could have been relieved of command. Commanding Officers have mandates to lead, not become tyrants. Harm's smart-ass remark at the end is absurd given that the CO's order was Proved to be unlawful. I simply don't understand what the hell was going on with the writers on this one. This episode is too heavy on the Hollywood, and too light legality. Yes, this is a TV show and not life or death, but the message it sends is surprising. There is nothing honorable in the CO's action, yet the writers almost seem to glorify the "dictatorial"-style of command in the end. This cheapens the importance and value of leaders in the military that know how to truly lead men and women, unlike the Burke character.
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