Wholesome Family Entertainment Part 9: Someone's Going To Hell
18 November 2009
So, your're one of those gorehounds who considers yourself "desensitized"? Such an over-used word, when referring to what one has witnessed in the way of fictional gore. And you still haven't seen Andreas Schnass's third entry in his V.S. series, Zombie Doom? Well then, I think it's time we stop using the D word, all together. Zombie Doom is unbelievably graphic, with gore coming from every direction imaginable, and if you're not already extremely familiar with gore flicks, then you might want to rethink this, and go watch Twilight, or something. Well, to be blunt, I suppose you could just go ahead and call it torture-porn. Nice going, Schnaas.

I couldn't think of a more appropriate title if I tried. Not much of a Zombie movie at all, although, the living-dead are present. The word Doom describes the tone of this movie, perfectly. An overwhelming feeling of hopelessness from beginning to end, which has a lot to do with the score. We begin with three schmucks on a boat, heading to an Island. The schmucks think the schmuck nephew of one of the schmucks is there, who the schmucks want to find for whatever reason. What they do find is none other than Karl the butcher. Now known as the Meister, Karl has somehow managed to conjure up an army of loyal, aluminum foil mask-wearing barbarians, hell bent on the destruction of... well, I guess, anyone who happens to show up on the Island. Karl's Infantry Of Doom is like a well-oiled machine, ready for combat at all times. Anyone who loses a step must be destroyed. Now that the schmucks are tied up, slow, agonizing death is inevitable. Meanwhile, Dr. Senius has helped complete Karl's vision, a vision involving reanimated corpses, making his Army even greater. With an Army such as this, one has to wonder why Karl doesn't try dominating something other than this one Island. Poor Karl's never been all that bright. I'm sure it'll occur to him, sooner or later, that is, unless the ninjas get involved, in that case, all bets are off. All joking aside, Zombie Doom ain't no joke. Definitely torture-porn.

Exactly how lousy of a childhood must one endure to one day, make a movie like this? Besides being a gloriously unflinching gore film, Zombie Doom is one hell of a bad one. We're looking at terrible dubbing, that "filmed in a back-yard" look, and of course, that old trusty video camera. Can't forget that. With that said, Zombie Doom is for those who at least believe that they've seen it all. This is Horror with guts. Some might even say that Zombie Doom is true, untampered with Horror. No social statements, no clear message or point, just full-blast evil. I would really only recommend Zombie Doom to those who have actually seen, and approve of Schnaas's other stuff, otherwise, you may not be prepared for something so ferocious. But let's not forget the other half of this double feature (that is, if you watch the Shock-O-Rama DVD). Zombie '90 Extreme Pestilence... on second thought, nevermind, you're on your own with that one. As for this one, well, someone's going to Hell, indeed. And that someone just might be Andreas Schnaas. 8/10
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