Alias: A Missing Link (2003)
Season 3, Episode 4
Great cliffhanging episode
17 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
By now series three has found its footing and the viewer is used to the fact that two years have passed of which Sydney has no memories and only one clue as to what happened; a video which shows her murdering a man who turned out to be Sark's father. Here we learn more about her missing time when Sydney goes undercover to retrieve a bio-weapon which The Covenant wants to get its hands on; she doesn't know her contact but he clearly knows her as he kisses her passionately and calls her Julia. Before letting her go on a mission with then they give her a test: steal a necklace from a hotel room before the police can get there, it was a close call but after stripping to her underwear and diving from the balcony into the pool below she escapes and is on the team. Things don't go according to plan though when they realise she is meeting Vaughn and he is CIA, she is forced to take drastic action to avoid blowing her cover.

I really enjoyed this episode, there was plenty of action, the series plot was advanced and we were left with a great cliff hanger ending.
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