WARNING: do not let your younger kids watch this!!!
15 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Raucous, slapstick fare for young children - harmless enough, you might think, but beware! This G-rated holiday movie features the most unforgivable Christmas spoiler of all time: at one point grouchy old Mr. Wilson (played to otherwise amusing effect by erstwhile tough guy Robert Wagner) bellows "there's no such thing as Santa Claus!" at his mischievous but well-meaning little neighbor Dennis.

Given that nobody without young children would ever feel compelled to watch a G-rated, kid-centric and essentially flimsy comedy, one has to wonder what the director hoped to achieve by including such a profoundly disappointing revelation in a movie bound for an audience of little children at Christmas time.

Move over, Mr. Grinch - you've got competition.
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