The Weirdest show in years (Worrying yet Amusing)
15 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to believe that this programme has actually aired with little to no controversy or backlash. What pretends to be a thought-provoking portrayal of a "key" issue in modern day Britain is little more than an indication of how clouded the medias view of what is worthwhile television has become. However, the ridiculous content material is worthy of a viewing just to see what can somehow achieve funding and be produced.

The development meeting must have been mental. "What if the death penalty is back? Oh, and also we can try people in our courts for foreign charges. Oh, and i don't mean that injection death, i mean hanging, old school style. Oh, and I say we put the one person everyone thinks deserves this on the stand... Gary Glitter". For reasons I can't fathom this was given the green-light.

So we are subjected to just over an hour of "mock-documentary" style drama involving a Gary Glitter who has the manner of Hannibal Lecter in his interviews. (I'm sure Channel 4 know for a fact Glitter is evil incarnate and wouldn't show any remorse, ever). But what's worse is the random clips of "celebs" not just advocating the death penalty but talking about this fictional trial as if it happened. Anne Widecombe talks of good and evil with the death sentence being good's ultimate weapon. A Guardian music reviewer talks of the electricity and atmosphere at the trial she "attended" but in reality did not. The worst is Garry Bushell who gets suspiciously red faced and sweaty when "remembering" the verdict being given. Hilarious barely describes the fact that these people even entertained the notion this could happen.

Ultimately, I didn't expect a balanced and thought out deconstruction of the argument at hand. Yet this is little more than the media manipulating the publics strong reaction to paedophilia but also to celebrities and how we like to see them fail. Im sure if Glitter were to hang in real life, it would be a box office smash. I guess Channel 4 couldn't wait and so decided to put it on early.

Im eagerly anticipating more of the same, but without the vague attempt at hiding what voyeuristic crap this is. I want to see what happens when Posh and Becks home invade Buckingham Palace and happy slap the Queen. Oh, and i suggest the punishment be death by bears. Swear to God, this will be on in the next few weeks
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