13 November 2009
Sadly, they try to project themselves as doing scientific investigations but there is nothing really scientific in their procedures aside from the fact that they are using technical gadgetry.

They spend a few hours investigating a particular location and base their conclusions on whatever they experience or capture on their equipment within that short window of time. Not scientific at all. First of all, in most stories of hauntings, occurrences don't happen every night or all the time. They happen once in a while. So granted that a place might actually be haunted, do they expect that the ghosts must pay respects to their presence and show themselves just in the few hours they are there? Shouldn't an investigation take more time? And then they have the hubris filled proclamations that the place is not haunted based on their investigation as if they did a thorough and extensive investigation. At the very least they should be more objective and less arrogant in their conclusions and stop making their definitive statements that a place isn't haunted - they actually have no basis. Its actually insulting to people who might have actually had legitimate experiences in those places overtime. Its like a patient coming to a doctor saying he doesn't feel well and the doctor uses his stethoscope for a few minutes and then proclaims the patient is perfectly fine. Yeah right!?!
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