Scarlett Johansson is too old for Woody
3 November 2009
I used to be a Woody Allen fan, but this movie was so disturbing as to make me change my mind. Basically it tells the story of a selfish, sloppy, arrogant and deeply troubled elderly man who has a gift for unhappiness. However and regardless of the fact that he is penniless, sarcastic, badly dressed and very unattractive on every levels (and lives in a dump), he still manages to attract beautiful young women, thanks to his intellectual superiority. Oh, by the way he also manages to live happily ever after….

OK, I just don't buy it. This is clearly a fairy tale, Allen-style: elderly, ugly wimp gets the princess because he is so clever. He may be sincere in his belief, however I truly doubt any attraction a girl might feel for elderly gentlemen would be totally unrelated to their bank account. To put it cynically, I would have bought the Melodie-Boris love story if Boris had lots of cash. Considering his financial situation, the whole thing is preposterous.

Besides, Allen likes to suggest that sex is the only basis for most relationships, but fails to explain how it is possible that somebody in her twenties might find the body of a man over sixty more attractive than the body of a Calvin Klein model. Of course, he is actually suggesting that women are after the male mind, but this just proves that he has little to no clue about women. Even if they are not just after cash and muscular bodies, I think a warm personality and a generous, affectionate disposition are considered more attractive than a Boris-type of guy.

Moreover, every other relationship described in the movie is sexual (threesome, gay, etc..) conveying a sleaziness which by now seems to be the trademark of Allen's movies, more than his by now defunct witticism. And the poor Scarlett, at the ripe old age of 25 has already been replaced as Woody's muse by somebody a good 3 years younger…. Really not creepy at all.
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