Not as good as Child's Play....
3 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I thought that Child's Play 3 was not as good as the first film. Andy is now a teenager who has been enrolled in a military school. Play Pals Toy Company decides to re-release its Good Guys line of dolls, As they decide to use re-used old materials, the spirit of Charles Lee Ray once again comes to life. In his search trying to find Andy, Chucky falls into the hands of a younger boy, and he realises that it may be easier to transfer his soul into the unsuspecting boy. Andy is the only one who knows what Chucky is up to and what he is capable of. And it's now up to him to put a stop to it before it is to late. I found Childs Play 3 to be a good horror film but just not as good as the original. 5/10
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