Hawaii Five-O: Along Came Joey (1969)
Season 1, Episode 18
An interesting episode.
2 November 2009
The Hawaii of this series is an interesting place. There are tons of Chinese Communist agents, mobsters EVERYWHERE and the best pro boxers--all things I think you'd have a very hard time finding in the real Hawaii!

The episode begins with Joey Kalama winning his boxing match. However, shortly after the fight, some thugs confront him in the alley behind the stadium and beat him to death. His father, Phil Kalama (Frank DeKova--the same actor who played Chief Wild Eagle on "F-Troop") is angry and despite being a cop himself, wants to take the law in his own hands--beating the truth out of everyone! So, McGarrett has to try to solve the crime AND stop Phil from killing someone!

Overall, a good episode but also one that seemed a bit fake. It just happened that Danno was good friends with the boxer and other such coincidences make this one a less than perfect episode, but still it is worth seeing--even if DeKova hams it up a bit.
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