It sure is a movie.
29 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film is brilliant... Probably. It stars Stephen Mendel, one of my all time favourite actors. There are lots of things to like about this movie. there is acting, and cinematography, and even some special effects that are so subtle it is almost as though they aren't there at all. There is a plot of some description, presumably. I assume some events happen during the runtime of the film and it concludes at the end. Probably. Some laughs may be had by some people.

Francis Megahy really does a good job of capturing the mood of the film. Being both a director, writer and actor means that the film is always focused. Focused on the laughter, this being a comedy and all. The twist at the end involving the pumpkin wasn't really necessary, but maybe someday society will grow to accept it as an innovative moment in film. Give it a chance, I enjoyed it To conclude: this is a good rental, but not something I would buy on Blue Ray. Perhaps on betamax.
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