1929: The Great Crash (2009 TV Movie)
This Great Crash Hits Home ****
27 October 2009
Excellent documentary dealing with the 1929 Stock Market Crash and subsequent depression.

What a wonderful time the 1920s brought. America was carefree; World War 1 had ended and we didn't give a hoot about Europe any longer for the isolationists had taken over.

America had found a new toy to play with; a very dangerous toy at that, known as investing in the American stock market. Not everyone should have been in the market and furthermore, not everyone was savvy enough to invest.

We see an era of buying on margin, buying of new consumer goods. We see that America was really in control of some very wealthy bankers who could afford to invest.

We also saw that with the market crash, the banks could no longer bail us out.

An over extension of credit, buying on margin, consumer goods, I thought I was back in my economics classes of yesteryear.
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