Review of Chronopolis

Chronopolis (1982)
Yowser... Luckily it was free entrance
26 October 2009
Well... I had a few hours to kill on a Monday night in Beijing, and I found that the French Culture Center was showing a movie about "a gargantuan city lurking in the sky, colonized by powerful immortals who have become jaded with eternal life." I was sold.

I don't want to be too harsh on the movie, because I do some small time video work myself. I will start out with saying the full 52 minutes version was possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. With that said, when I returned home and exclaimed to my roommates that I had seen the worst movie ever made they were in disbelief. I found an 11 minute shortened version that I showed to them. They actually liked it, and I conceded that this version wasn't too bad.

The short version reduced the excruciating pain of the long repetitive scenes down to 1 or 2 repetitions which made the film viewable and slightly interesting. I will say that Tool's "Schism" was much more bad ass in 7 minutes.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants to say with authority "I have seen the worst movie ever made". Kinda like that scene in Clockwork Orange where they have the guys eyelids wired open making him desensitized . I felt like less of a human walking out of that movie. More like a clay animation "icebox where my heart used to be". Plus I fell asleep for a few minutes in the middle...
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