2012: Supernova (2009 Video)
Give me back my 2 hours!!!! (spoiler alert)
26 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Another film jumping on the 2012 bandwagon. But, like a zillion other disaster movie buffs I watch them, and whether a block buster or a z grade I usually enjoy them. Until now!!!! Boy could this movie have used a rewrite, some good actors and a decent budget.

Lets start off with the tri-partisan team supposedly saving the world in a top security bunker with top of the range computers which in actual fact looked like you local warehouse with computers from the Amstrad days! We had a Chinese, kungfu, save my country at the expense of everyone else, female scientist, who, incidentally can fly the shuttle! A vodka swilling Russian scientist who looked a lot like a mad

Einstein, who also could fly the shuttle and a good old USA scientist out to save the world even if it meant throwing himself into the face of death... of course! and of course he can pilot the shuttle, all of them wearing overalls and motor bike helmets... oh, and i have seen enough of the shuttle over the years on TV to know what the inside of it looks like and trust me, I have never seen anything like what they were supposedly flying... And when they got to the space station they were the only ones on it. Where were all the other scientists while this was going on? Are we to believe that the world at large trusted 3 scientists to save us... no contact with any world leaders, or any one for that matter.

In the middle of all this we have tornado's, lightning storms, earth quakes, even a lecherous farmer and just about anything else that could be thrown at the poor wife and daughter of the American scientist who are just trying to get to safety while their man tries to save the world.

I kept watching this hoping it would get better... BUT IT DIDN'T.

There are some movies that are so bad you have to watch them, but this doesn't even fit in that category. It is just plain bad. I guess its the best you can do with a budget of $3.50. And with that I would want $2.00 change. Don't waste your time with this one. SciFi channel... shame on you!!!!
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