25 October 2009
Of Edward Furlong in that case. And while he still has Charisma, he might be the weak link of this movie. He just doesn't fit into this movie. I can't really explain why, but he doesn't seem to feel comfortable when he is on screen. Which is a shame really, because he could've carried this Remake.

It's a long time since I last saw the Original, which wasn't the greatest Horror movie ever, but still pretty decent (especially for the money it did cost). The Remake does have the money, does have a few good ideas (one of them being of the sexual kind) and does have a killer soundtrack (no pun intended). If that's enough for a Rock'N'Roll experience for you, then ho ahead and watch. If you need more to enjoy a movie, you will be disappointed (not that much gore, not that much story, characters not really likable etc.).
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