Beauty and the Geek - the movie
25 October 2009
'I Love You Beth Cooper' is a teen comedy that gently pushes a few boundaries but doesn't really do anything new. It is based on the book of the same name by Larry Doyle. Unlike the book though, this film never really captures the same atmosphere and leaves you wanting more from the characters. Unfortunately, due to some poor timing many of the jokes fall flat leaving the film to stutter instead of flow.

The film does pick up pace midway through the 2nd act however ultimately there isn't anything overly likable about the geek. A touch of reality may have made his character more believable but it seems the director prefers sight gags over substance. Some of the locations work well to build the atmosphere, but the dialog just feels too cheesy and forced to make you feel comfortable enough to just go with the story.

Hayden Panettiere is really the only reason you would watch this. It isn't hard to see why Denis would fall in love with her Beth - I kept thinking I'd probably do the same if I went to her school. I found her character to be very credible and I enjoyed every scene she was in.

If you like Beauty and the Geek and you're a fan of Hayden, this is worth watching. More music, faster - wittier dialog and more character development would have improved this ten fold.
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