Dance Academy (1988)
to vagrantfilms
22 October 2009
How is this Movie a Cheesy Movie VagrantFilms? It's probably One of the Best Dance-Music-oriented Movies of the '80s I've ever Seen.

The Main Characters are all Very Talented Dancers: Steve LaChance & Tony D.Fields to begin with, the Music has Strong Hooks and though the dialogs and the ideas presented are typically '80s (and that's probably 'cause it was Shot in the '80s.. Dah!!), it's very Funny and Entertaining and I don't even think it's a 'Staying Alive' rip-off as the Plot is Completely Different.

Never quite became successful though, but I saw it the First Time in the Summer of '89 when I was 9, and I watched it today for the 1st time after 20 years and My Opinion hasn't changed at all! I'd recommend this movie to anyone who's looking for a Genuine Production exuding Positive Emotions and Challenge and not the Negative Crap that's been coming out for the past 10 years or so.

Actually, I Wish I Could Go Back to those Days...
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