" In a loveless marriage, few would ever blame her if she left him "
22 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Back in the 1960's, monster movies were all the rage. There were good ones, like the ones created by the Hammer group. Here is an unusual one which was created by gimmick King William castle. The movie is called " Mr. Sardonicus. " It is the quaint story of a man who's father wins a lottery and the family stands to become very rich. Unfortunately the son (Guy Rolfe), Baron Sardonicus allows his father to be buried with the winning ticket. Soon realizing he must retrieve the ticket, he exhumes the body as the ticket is in his father's vest pocket. Urged on by his greedy wife to recover the ticket, the young man digs up the coffin and looks inside. Viewing the ghastly face of his father, the young baron's own face is stricken with the same hideous features. From then on he must wear a mask, is shunned by villagers and taken care of by his manservant, Krull (Oscar Homolka). Sir Robert Cargraves (Ronald Lewis) a famous doctor arrives at the bidding of Maude Sardonicus (Audrey Dalton) the baron's wife. Together they must find a cure for the evil baron or face death. For its day, this was a frightening film with an elaborate gag at the end. Today, you'll find it in the pages of horror magazines. ***
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