wow...i laughed hard!
15 October 2009
i saw "You Might as Well Live", about a month ago now, and i can't help but think of it every so often and laugh. I haven't seen a funny picture like this one in years, i must say it is somewhat of a dark comedy.I'm glad that telefilm had the testicles to support a film of this intense caliber, not only is it extremely perverse, but dark and just so stupid at points i began wondering if it was brilliant( its not).I really had a good time at the movies with this one, i recommend that you go see it if you have a chance, i hope it does well at the Canadian box office.I'll definitely pick it up when its out on DVD. Easily one of my favorite comedies. I can't believe more people haven't seen this yet...59 votes IMDb so far?,,,i can't comprehend why terrible comedies like superhero movie are making the big bucks while great pictures like this gets shelved .....
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