8 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's still funny but the episode contains too much cloying sentiment, with the sound track going, "Awwww," and whatnot. Seven, a malignant presence in the series, is arbitrarily assigned a birthday by Peggy -- after she first tries giving him the dates of her two children, both of which she's forgotten. It develops that the birthday is also Al's.

There is a picnic at the public park, with the piece de resistance being one frankfurter. They split the frankfurter between them and pass around one of those little plastic packets of mustard which they squirt into their mouths.

When the family is presented with a permit allowing a much richer family to have exclusive use of the park for THEIR birthday party, Bud is made to eat the warrant.

It's all as silly as it sounds, but that's not the problem with this episode. I mean, they're ALL silly but most of them had sparkling exchanges and sometimes hilarious comments.

This one has none of that. It's one of the duller entries.
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