Android Apocalypse (2006 TV Movie)
High brow concepts on a low brow budget
3 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly I expected to hate this and the first ten minutes didn't dissuade me but quickly after that I became enthralled by the story and watched it through. Ultimately the concept is what makes us human ... our biology or our actions and here the answer is unambiguously 'yes'. ;) Scot Barstow plays Jute, a self respecting human for whom androids have no place in society. Jute loses his job to an android and while drinking off his problems ends up fighting and killing one of the robots. When the android cops come to arrest him, his wife accidentally knocks one down an elevator shaft and is also arrested and convicted. On the way to prison, Jute is handcuffed to a special android, DC, that has developed emotions. During transit the transport is attacked and both Jute and DC escape.

Occasionally the film drags as some secondary character carries on in dialog and the ending is less than inspired but overall the film is directed well, acted well, written well and well worth your time if you have a care for B movies.
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