mistakes, men, and inspiration for Mamma Mia?
1 October 2009
Gina Lollabrigida, the Italian 50s and 60s siren, is Carla Campbell, a war widow with a 20 year old daughter Gia. But is everything as it seems? The premise of this film is of course that Gia's father isn't the late Mr Campbell at all, that the name comes from Campbell's soup, and that any one of three GIs could have been responsible for getting the teenage Carla pregnant. Trouble is that they all believe they're the daddy and have been sending financial support ever since.

Doesn't this all sound a bit familiar? Yes, Mamma Mia has the three possible fathers angle and to be honest, there isn't a lot else different in this. Gia isn't getting married, and the three men in this version all have wives on the trail when they return to their wartime base in Italy, but otherwise it's the same story.

Co-scripted by British humourist Denis Norden, this story is a classic screwball with a modern edge, fitting perfectly with the more permissive mores of the 1960s. As Carla's former lovers, sparky Telly Savalas, perky Phil Silvers, and debonair Peter Lawford shine, while Shelley Winters is particularly good value as one of the wives trying to find out just what went on in her husband's past.

Colourful, funny, and charming, this comedy won't change your life but will leave you smiling.
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