Lost City Raiders (2008 TV Movie)
What were they thinking?
25 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Surely, about 2 hours into pre-production they must have suddenly realised that this was an absurd concept. Perhaps that is why they could only get such bad actors? But can we blame the actors when the script and direction were so dire?

It seems that they took the most risible bits of 'Da Vinci Code', stirred in some Tomb Raider, stole a few set pieces from 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade', and then set the whole thing to, stay with me: Waterworld.

Best bit: when the Cardinal portentously reveals the Triptych, and we see that when Moses parted the Red Sea he was wielding the Sceptre of Osiris or some such baloney. So it follows that whomsoever finds the scepter can reverse the rising waters! But not if the real estate magnate who is going to corner the market in floating houses gets there first! Because, of course, when only 10% of the earth's landmass is left, society will be completely unchanged, and curiously, New Rome will be populated entirely by Americans and stereotypical drunken Irishmen.

My idea of Dystopia is a world in which these sorts of films get made. In the words of the mighty Kermode: all those involved should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.
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