Warehouse 13: Nevermore (2009)
Season 1, Episode 11
A veritable showcase of what makes Warehouse 13 worth watching!
20 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Nevermore is a great showcase of what makes Warehouse 13 worth watching. (I've tried to give examples without spoilers; sorry they're so generic!)

The absolutely fantastic cast goes above and beyond to make each episode awesome. From Jo Kelly's physical interaction with her parents to Eddie McClintock's priceless facial expressions to Allison Scagliotti's use of dry humor to bring Claudia to life, the casting directors at SyFy sure made excellent choices!

The guest actors continue to surpass expectations, fitting right in with the established cast as if they've been there the whole time. Nevermore has three such guest actors. Two of them, Susan and Michael Hogan, a husband-and-wife couple in "real life", play Myka's parents to a T. Both the rapport and the tension between them and Jo is quite believable. The last guest actor, Alec, is strikingly and surprisingly disturbing in his role.

And finally, the writing and direction deserve a mention here. Tawnia McKiernan did an excellent job fiddling with angles and lighting to construct the atmosphere of the show, and in particular, this episode. And David Simkins's writing for this episode did a nice job of tying together an idea with previously established cannon (the artifact and Myka's family, in this case).

The only bad part of this episode was that it felt like it alternately rushed and dragged--like parts of it had to be filmed really quickly and others were filmed slowly or after most of the episode had wrapped. I actually rather enjoyed this aspect of it; I think the change of pace adds to the "ride" the episode provides. But I can see how others may not like that.
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